Los Straitjackets: The Further Adventures of Los Straitjackets

LosStraitjackets_FurtherAdventuresA straight shot of instrumental guitar rock

It’s been awhile since the masked men of guitar rock cut a straight-up album of instrumentals, and this one is a gem. You can hear links with many great instrumental guitar acts of the past, including the Shadows, Davie Allen & The Arrows, the Ventures, and Link Wray, but also Northwest grunge masters the Wailers, post-punk practitioners the Raybeats, and Americana greats the Sadies. Someone should pit Los Straitjackets against the Sadies in a cage match at a classic car show – everyone would win. The group’s new songs have memorable melodies, pulsating tribal rhythms, and plenty of awesome guitar (both lead and rhythm) to slice through your brain like a fuzzy reverb knife. Anyone who loves the ‘60s surf ‘n’ drag sound will dig these tunes, and if you squint just right you can imagine this as the soundtrack of a long lost AIP biker flick. [©2009 hyperbolium dot com]

MP3 | Sasquatch
Los Straitjackets’ Home Page
Los Straitjackets’ MySpace Page

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